
Unrivalled capacity to deliver complex schemes


We undertake a range of major and complex infrastructure and civil engineering projects across the Sultanate of Oman.

We have an unrivalled capacity to deliver the most complex and technically challenging schemes. Collaboration is at the heart of all projects we provide, and we work hard to cultivate close relationships with clients, partners, and our supply chain. We also have an extensive range of in-house capabilities, including development and project management.


We hold an extensive portfolio of capability and experience, providing all types of highway civil engineering requirements, highway maintenance solutions, and road construction projects. Our experienced teams deliver everything from the planning, programming, and delivery of major road schemes to routine maintenance and operation.

Collaboration is key; therefore, we focus alongside our clients, supply chain partners, and peers to share learning and experience. Additionally, we support creating, developing, and implementing new ideas and innovations in a world where technology transforms how we plan, travel, and experience journeys. We strive to improve our roads and positively impact local communities and client operations.

Our core values reflect the need to focus on safety, sustainability, and customer experience. We engage with clients to ensure networks run smoothly throughout our activities whilst minimising the effect on local communities and providing social value activities.

Key facts

  • We are Petroleum Development Oman’s trusted partner and integrated maintenance contractor, managing circa 2000 km of strategic roads supporting oil and gas operations.
  • In partnership with PDO, we transform the way roads are managed and maintained by developing road maintenance strategies and plans to drive better value and improved service.
  • We maintain more roads in Oman than any other provider, applying international best practices.
  • We explore and introduce worldwide innovation and technologies to drive cost, quality, and time efficiencies.
  • Carillion Alawi road experts support and develop local community contractors to facilitate our in-country value commitment.
  • We support the drive for Omanisation, sourcing Omani graduates from universities and investing in future talent generation in roads and civil engineering.

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